Get Started

Scan your AWS account(s)! If you run into any issues, check out our Troubleshooting guide.

Prepare AWS Credentials

Your Caligo deployment will need AWS credentials to scan your account(s). Either set up an IAM role for Caligo or set up an IAM user with an access key. The former uses short-term credentials, which is more secure! However, it can take a bit more time to setup.

Connect Caligo to AWS

You must connect it to the AWS account(s) you would like to scan. Navigate to Settings > Add new account. Fill in the Account Name with whatever string-identifier you would like. Fill in remaining fields based on whether you are deploying with Option 1 or 2.

Wait for Scan

Once you connect your account(s), Caligo will scan them and run various security rules.

This process may take 10-15 minutes.

  • Monitor progress through the UI: the Settings page should show a percentage completed.

  • Monitor the terminal as well: you should see logs from the cartography container.

You should see backend container logs like above if the scan has successfully completed.

Explore Caligo Findings

At the end of the scan, navigate to the Alerts tab to see findings for misconfiguration and attack path security rules.

Check out the Rules tab for a catalog of the security rules that were run. Check your compliance posture for various frameworks in the Compliance tab.

Last updated